About Me.

To be honest,or TBH as they say, I despise these ‘About Me questions’. They are similar to those mathematics word problems I was never good at.I can literally sit here, forever and ever, pondering over how to tell you about me in a way that would not make you yawn.But since something is better than nothing, let’s begin.

For starters, IΒ was twenty when I started to share my thoughts with you all.Now I’m twenty three, almost a Law graduate and almost an advocate.

Thankfully, I still am passionate about dancing and writing, but I feel fulfilled only in the kitchen, trying to recreate Masterchef recipies using Indian ingredients.It’s not easy, let me tell you, but I manage well.

I guess I can also be called a fairly good shower singer because those concerts are always sold out.Lol.How punny.

I used to dream about marrying Nathan Fillion when I started blogging, now I have given up on the idea that he will ever walk through my door and propose.

*CASTLE tune plays in the background*

So,this is the best I can do. *Huff*


If you like it,please don’t forget to LIKE or leave comments.They make me feel loved! πŸ™‚

If you don’t like them, feel free to leave comments on how I can improve!

Ps.Don’t forget to share! πŸ˜€

Loads & loads of loveee!

6 thoughts on “About Me.

  1. Hey Meet yet another girl , that is me, the same sweat pants, hair tied, no make up kind, trying to pen down all my thoughts in my one blog πŸ™‚

    Nice to meet you Ishita Ji πŸ™‚


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